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The Principles of Navigation
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The Principles of Navigation

  • Codice
  • Editore
    The Nautical Institute
  • ISBN
  • Edizione
    X edizione 2008
  • Lingua
  • Pagine
    ill. a colori
  • Dimensioni
  • Rilegatura



Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. 1 
has been at the forefront of navigation for over a century. This "Royal Navy" manual is an authoritative publication relating to all aspects of navigation and is essential reading for all mariners, including yachtsmen. This 2008 new edition is fully updated and features the latest guidance on navigation and changes in modern technology.
The new edition includes topics such as: Geodesy; Charts and Publications; Tides; Navigation aids; Planning coastal navigation; Planning pilotage and blind pilotage; Radar; Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS); Anchoring; Navigational Errors; Relative Velocity; Bridge Management; and, Hydrographic Surveying.

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