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Mediterranean Weather Handbook for Sailors
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Mediterranean Weather Handbook for Sailors

Roberto Ritossa
  • Codice
  • Editore
  • ISBN
  • Edizione
    II edizione 2014
  • Lingua
  • Pagine
    120 ill. a colori
  • Dimensioni
    190 x 250 mm
  • Rilegatura


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€ 51,87
€ 32,16


Mediterranean Weather Handbook for Sailors is an indispensable reference providing a general understanding of the various phenomena concurring to determine weather in the Mediterranean as well as useful forecasting aids. It is written for sailors, not meteorologists; theory is kept to a minimum, while every effort is made to provide clear interpretative tools that are helpful in understanding actual weather and forecasting. Roberto Ritossa is a meteorology expert and this handbook is a result of many years research on Mediterranean weather patterns.

This second edition includes details of new and changed websites that offer meteorological services. Throughout the graphics have been improved and for some sections additional illustrations have been added.

"Roberto Ritossa has produced an excellent weather text book for those who choose to sail in the Mediterranean. Although it claims to be ‘written for sailors, not meteorologists’ there is more than enough essential theory to satisfy the keenest of amateur meteorologists. I would certainly buy a copy if I were to ever plan to return to the Mediterranean, as a sailor." – IG, Cruising.

"This little book contains a plethora of useful information, and should be on the book shelf of every Mediterranean sailor." Flying Fish, The Journal of the Ocean Cruising Club.

Conosci l'autore

Aut Img 45 Ritossa

Roberto Ritossa

Ha navigato a lungo in Mediterraneo in regata e in crociera, e da molti anni vive in Bretagna.
È titolare di una licenza di radioamatore britannica (nominativo M0ITA) e dello Short Range Certificate.
Laureato, giornalista e pubblicista, ha inoltre conseguito il diploma in Yacht Architecture con la Westlawn School of Yacht Design, USA. Ha ottenuto il certificato Yachtmaster Offshore della Royal Yachting Association.
È l’autore del manuale Mediterranean Weather Handbook for Sailors (Imray), pubblicato in Italia da Edizioni il Frangente con il titolo Meteorologia del Mediterraneo per i naviganti.
Ha appena terminato un triennale giro dell’Atlantico in crociera con la famiglia.


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