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A Boatowner's Guide to the Seine and Paris Canals
Many owners of small boats dream of cruising to Paris in their own boat. This guide explains how it is possible to make the trip there and back in as little as three weeks. It shows how to negotiate the complex tides between the sea and Rouen, where to stow a mast ashore, and then guides the reader up the Seine to explore the tranquil backwaters with their magnificent scenery. Finally the reader will pass under the famous bridges of Paris and catch their first glimpse of the Eiffel tower, and then be able to berth right in the centre of Paris at a reasonable cost. The guide contains detailed river plans and information on locks, traffic regulations, documentation, length, height and draught restrictions, fuel availability, latest costs, harbour details and tourist attractions.
Via Gaetano Trezza 12
37129 Verona
T. +39 045 8012631
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